How to change a label in a GtkTree?


I have one GtTree with lots of labels and subtrees (GtkTreeItem),
and I would like to change the text of the label of the items.

For example, in the following tree:

[-]-+-- Root
   [-]-+-- Label 1
    |  +------ Label 2
    +----- Label 3

I would like to change the text "Label 2" to "Label 4".

I've got the GtkTreeItem corresponding, created by the function:
item = gtk_tree_item_new_with_label("Label 2");

And my question is:

how to change the text of the label from the item ?

I couldn't find any answer in the doc/tutorial/source...

Thanks in advance,


Quentin Delamarre  --  projet RobotVis  --  INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
email:           (France)

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