
The comment in widget.gen_h says this should not be called by the user.
This calls the gtk+ signal "map" in gtkwidget.

I am try to figure out how do de-iconify a window the user has iconfied
when they double-click on a label associated with that window. The ICCCM
says to move the window state from Iconic to Normal the client should
map the window.

I tried doing this by calling this signal. It appears to work. Does
anybody know why the comment was there. Is this the "real" way to 
de-iconify windows or is there a better way?


   | Todd Dukes                      E-MAIL: |
   | Motorola Somerset                  Phone:   (512) 424-8008 |
   | 6200 Bridgepoint Parkway Building #4 MS OE70               |
   | Austin, Texas 78730                                        |

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