Re: Perl/Gtk - Limits of the bindings?


>  BTW I am using Gtk+ 1.2.0 and Perl-Gtk-0.5121 (and, incidentally, Glade
> 0.5.0). and I cannot find ways to do the following.
  It may have something to do having version 1.2.0 (current >=

  But not all, apparently :

> Gtk::ScrolledWindow->set_policy('never');
>   error is "invalid Gtk::PolicyType never, 
>             expecting 'always', or 'automatic'".

  Indeed,  GTK_POLICY_NEVER seems to be defined in
/usr/local/include/gtk/gtkenums.h. But it seems not to be defined in

  If I do 

> 2) Gtk::ScrolledWindow->set_update_policy('always', 'always'); 
  I get :
Undefined subroutine &Gtk::ScrolledWindow::set_update_policy called at ././imclick line 181


   $scrolled_window->set_policy(-automatic, -automatic);

  Works fine. $scrolled_window was obtained by

    $hadj = new Gtk::Adjustment ($imw, 0.0, $imw, 1, 256.0, 256.0);
    $vadj = new Gtk::Adjustment ($imh, 0.0, $imh, 1, 256.0, 256.0);
    $scrolled_window = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow($hadj,$vadj);

   (Sorry I am not sure what the Adjustments do).

  Now, if I do 

  $scrolled_window->set_policy(-never, -automatic);

  it doesn't work. However (ugly hack), if I apply the patch below and
"make" and "make install", it will work. (don't apply that patch, as
it's a dumb hack).

--- build/GtkDefs.c.orig        Tue Jun 29 18:32:47 1999
+++ build/GtkDefs.c     Tue Jun 29 18:44:36 1999
@@ -2968,6 +2968,7 @@
        enum_GtkPolicyType = newHV();
        hv_store(enum_GtkPolicyType, "always", 6, newSViv(GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS), 0);
        hv_store(enum_GtkPolicyType, "automatic", 9, newSViv(GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC), 0);
+       hv_store(enum_GtkPolicyType, "never", 5, newSViv(GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC), 0);
        enum_GtkPositionType = newHV();
        hv_store(enum_GtkPositionType, "left", 4, newSViv(GTK_POS_LEFT), 0);

  It will work. WARNING : The patched file, build/GtkDefs.c, is
automatically generated. I was unable so find out where the "always"
and "automatic" came from, so I modified that file. If I re-run "perl
Makefile.PL", I have to re-modify build/GtkDefs.c.

 It would be better to modify the place where the values "always" and
"automatic" were defined. 

  Btw : it seems that scrollbars appear with 'never' too! 

>   I have been advised to use gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm
>   instead which I reckon is not bound yet.

  I think I had a similar problem, when I needed
gdk_imlib_crop_image(). So I applied the following patch (and proposed
it to Kenneth Albanowski). 

--- GdkImlib/xs/GdkImlib.xs.orig        Sat May 22 18:57:47 1999
+++ GdkImlib/xs/GdkImlib.xs     Sat May 22 19:03:14 1999
@@ -405,6 +405,22 @@
        int w
        int h
+gdk_imlib_crop_image(self, x, y, w, h)
+       Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage self
+       int x
+       int y
+       int w
+       int h
+gdk_imlib_crop_and_clone_image(self, x, y, w, h)
+       Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage self
+       int x
+       int y
+       int w
+       int h
        SV * Class

You probably can do the same sort of thing (if you are willing) :
check that your function really exists :

etienne@anonimo: grep gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm /usr/local/include/gdk/*
/usr/local/include/gdk/gdk.h:GdkPixmap* gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm 
/usr/local/include/gdk/gdk.h:GdkPixmap* gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm_d

  Apparently it does.

Modify (carefuly) GdkImlib/xs/GdkImlib.xs so that your function is
declared, like in the patch above. Careful with spaces, newlines etc :
I think xs is very sensitive to that.

> I am sorry to make such a long posting but I really would appreciate any 
> help that people can offer, especially sources of documentation.

  I'm sorry for the length too. A good source of info is in 




  A little unintuitive, though. I have some code that uses (a little
bit) pixmaps, if you like. 

  Better, certainly, I think Havoc Pennington is writing a book.

  Good luck


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