clist question about column->width
- From: Todd Dukes <tdukes ibmoto com>
- To: gtk <gtk-list redhat com>
- Subject: clist question about column->width
- Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 16:52:32 -0500
I am trying to get a list of entries to line up under a
clist. To do this I am reading the width from the column
like this:
new_width = clist -> column [ column ] . width;
This variable doesn't seem to be initialized when the clist
is created. I don't see it change until the column width is
reset. Is this a bug or should I be accessing this data a different
Another question. I only get a resize_column signal for the column
to the left of the button I adjusted. Weren't both the left and
right columns resized. And you get a resize_column for the last row
even though it is not actually resized. Is this correct behavior.
I have attached gtk-- code that illustrates what I am talking about.
If someone likes, I will struggle to convert it to straight gtk+.
| Todd Dukes E-MAIL: |
| Motorola Somerset Phone: (512) 424-8008 |
| 6200 Bridgepoint Parkway Building #4 MS OE70 |
| Austin, Texas 78730 |
g++ -o clistEntry -I. `gtk-config --cflags` `gtkmm-config --cflags ` `gtk-config --libs` `gtkmm-config --libs` clistEntry.C
#include "strstream.h"
#include "gtk--.h"
#define TRACE_LINE cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl
static bool gtkmm_idle_update = false;
static gint
clearIdle ()
gtkmm_idle_update = true;
return 1;
static void
gtkmm_update ()
Connection conn = connect_to_function ( Gtk_Main::idle (), clearIdle );
gtkmm_idle_update = false;
while ( !gtkmm_idle_update )
Gtk_Main::instance () -> iteration ();
conn . disconnect ();
** TestFixture
class TestFixture : public Gtk_Window
virtual void destroyTest () = 0;
Signal1 < TestFixture * > finished;
TestFixture ();
virtual ~TestFixture ();
void packControlArea ();
// data
Gtk_VBox vbox;
Gtk_VBox actionArea;
Gtk_VBox controlArea;
Gtk_HSeparator separator;
Gtk_Button closeButton;
TestFixture::TestFixture () :
vbox ( false, 0 ),
actionArea ( false, 10 ),
controlArea ( false, 10 ),
closeButton ( "close" )
add ( &vbox );
vbox . set_border_width ( 0 );
vbox . pack_start ( actionArea );
actionArea . set_border_width ( 10 );
connect_to_signal ( destroy, finished, this );
TestFixture::~TestFixture ()
TestFixture::packControlArea ()
vbox . pack_start ( separator, false, true, 0 );
controlArea . set_border_width ( 10 );
vbox . pack_start ( controlArea, false, true, 0 );
controlArea . show ();
connect_to_signal ( closeButton . clicked, finished, this );
controlArea . pack_start ( closeButton, true, true, 0 );
closeButton . set_flags ( GTK_CAN_DEFAULT );
closeButton . grab_default ();
closeButton . show ();
* GtkCTree
class CListEntry : public TestFixture
static TestFixture * create ();
virtual ~CListEntry () { };
virtual void destroyTest () { delete theTest; theTest = 0; }
CListEntry ();
// functions
void columnWasResized ( gint column, gint width );
void printStats ();
int idlePrintStats ();
// data
static char *title[];
static CListEntry * theTest;
static int numCListEntryColumns;
Connection idleConn;
Gtk_CList clist;
Gtk_Widget *entryWidgets[2];
Gtk_HBox hbox;
CListEntry * CListEntry::theTest = 0;
CListEntry::create ()
if ( theTest == 0 )
theTest = new CListEntry ();
return theTest;
return 0;
int CListEntry::numCListEntryColumns = 2;
char * CListEntry::title[] = { "Column 1" , "Column 2" };
CListEntry::CListEntry () :
clist ( numCListEntryColumns, title )
set_title ( "CListEntry test" );
set_border_width ( 0 );
actionArea . pack_start ( clist );
entryWidgets [ 0 ] = new Gtk_Entry;
entryWidgets [ 1 ] = new Gtk_Entry;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numCListEntryColumns; i ++ )
hbox . pack_start ( manage ( entryWidgets [ i ] ), false, false );
actionArea . pack_start ( hbox );
vector < string > text;
for ( int i = 0; i < numCListEntryColumns; i++ )
strstream ss;
ss << i << ends;
string s = "column ";
text . push_back ( s + ss . str () );
clist . append ( text );
clist . append ( text );
clist . append ( text );
connect_to_method ( clist . resize_column, this,
&CListEntry::columnWasResized );
packControlArea ();
show_all ();
* Main Window and Exit
typedef TestFixture * ( * TestFunc ) ();
struct TestTest
string buttonLabel;
TestFunc f;
} testToTest [] = { { "clist and entry", &CListEntry::create }
typedef list < Gtk_Widget * > PL_Gtk_Widget;
class MainWindow : public Gtk_Window
MainWindow ();
void testFinished ( TestFixture * testWindow );
/* test fixtures */
void buttonClicked( int n);
/* main window data */
Gtk_VBox vbox;
Gtk_VBox testFixturesBox;
Gtk_VBox closeButtonBox;
Gtk_ScrolledWindow scrolled_window;
Gtk_Button *button;
Gtk_Label label;
string buffer;
Gtk_HSeparator separator;
Gtk_Button closeButton;
PL_Gtk_Widget deletableChildren;
MainWindow::MainWindow ():
// main window data
vbox ( false, 0 ),
testFixturesBox ( false, 0 ),
closeButtonBox ( false, 10 ),
button ( 0 ),
closeButton ( "close" )
set_policy ( FALSE, FALSE, FALSE );
set_name ( "main window" );
set_usize ( 200, 400 );
set_uposition ( 20, 20 );
connect_to_method ( destroy, Gtk_Main::instance (), &( Gtk_Main::quit ) );
// what does this do? How can I connect it?
// connect_to_function( delete_event, gtk_false);
// gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (window), "delete-event",
// GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gtk_false),
// NULL);
add ( &vbox );
strstream ss;
if ( gtkmm_micro_version > 0 )
ss << "Gtk-- v"
<< gtkmm_major_version << "."
<< gtkmm_minor_version << "."
<< gtkmm_micro_version << ends;
ss << "Gtk-- v"
<< gtkmm_major_version << "."
<< gtkmm_minor_version << ends;
buffer = ss . str ();
} // end scope of ss
label . set_text ( buffer );
vbox . pack_start ( label, false, false, 0 );
scrolled_window . set_border_width ( 10 );
scrolled_window . set_policy ( GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
vbox . pack_start ( scrolled_window, true, true, 0 );
testFixturesBox . set_border_width ( 10 );
scrolled_window . add_with_viewport ( testFixturesBox );
const Gtk_Adjustment * adj = scrolled_window.get_vadjustment();
if ( adj )
testFixturesBox . set_focus_vadjustment ( *adj );
cout << "testgtk-- warning: scrolled_window.get_vadjustment() returned 0" << endl;
testFixturesBox . show ();
int numberOfTest = sizeof ( testToTest ) / sizeof ( TestTest );
for ( int n = 0; n < numberOfTest; n++ )
Gtk_Button * pb = new Gtk_Button ( testToTest [ n ] . buttonLabel );
deletableChildren . push_back ( pb );
testFixturesBox . pack_start ( *pb );
connect_to_method ( pb -> clicked, this, &( MainWindow::buttonClicked ), n );
vbox . pack_start ( separator, false );
closeButtonBox . set_border_width ( 10 );
vbox . pack_start ( closeButtonBox, false );
connect_to_method ( closeButton . clicked, Gtk_Main::instance (), &Gtk_Main::quit );
closeButtonBox . pack_start ( closeButton );
closeButton . set_flags ( GTK_CAN_DEFAULT );
closeButton . grab_default ();
show_all ();
MainWindow::testFinished ( TestFixture * testWindow )
MainWindow::buttonClicked ( int n )
TestFixture * testFixture;
testFixture = testToTest [ n ] . f ();
if ( testFixture )
connect_to_method ( testFixture -> finished, this, &MainWindow::testFinished );
main ( int argc, char *argv [] )
Gtk_Main m ( &argc, &argv );
MainWindow mainWindow;
mainWindow . show ();
m . run ();
return 0;
CListEntry::idlePrintStats ()
printStats ();
idleConn . disconnect ();
return 1;
CListEntry::printStats ()
cout << "clist's total width is " << clist . width () << endl;
for ( int i = 0; i < numCListEntryColumns; i++ )
cout << "column " << i << " width is "
<< clist . get_column_width ( i )
<< endl;
for ( int i = 0; i < numCListEntryColumns; i++ )
cout << "widget " << i << " width is "
<< entryWidgets [ i ] -> width ()
<< endl;
CListEntry::columnWasResized ( gint column, gint width )
cout << "column " << column << " was resized to " << width << endl;
for ( int i = 0; i < numCListEntryColumns; i++ )
cout << "widget " << i << " width is "
<< entryWidgets [ i ] -> width ()
<< endl;
entryWidgets [ column ] -> set_usize ( width, -1 );
printStats ();
cout << "run idlePrintStats " << endl;
idleConn = connect_to_method ( Gtk_Main::idle (), this, idlePrintStats );
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