Re: [gtk-list] Unidentified subject!

If you want to work in C++, Gtk-- is a much better way to go (after
all, that's its purpose!).  Creating your UI objects by subclassing
them from widgets and adding functionality works really nicely.  I
don't know that it's any less mature than Gtk+; after all, it's a very
thin wrapper.

The big advantage of Gtk+ is the documentation; it's much easier to
find docs describing what's going on.  I'm telling my students that
they need to look at the Gtk+ docs and squint until they look like
C++; they're nearly ready to hit me.

Because the wrapper is so thin, it is practical to look at the class
definitions in the .gen_h files to see what Gtk-- methods are used to
emulate Gtk+ functions.
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University

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