electric eyes

I dont know if this question should be posted here, but I neet it to be
posted somewhere else /dev/null

I want to have a look at electric eyes, but I dont use GNOME and dont what
to. So, any way I have to install gnome-libs, so I have to install ImLib.
Is everything I've said true?

Moving further. I've compiled Imlib 1.9.4, insalled. After I bagan to
compile gnome-libs I've got many 'undefined reference to' some functions
(`gistiff' `g_LoadTIFF' `gisbmp' etc) in /tools/convertrgb/convertrgb.c
can anybody tell me what to do? (I think it should be ImLib problem, but
I'm absolutely new to it too)

One more, wht is the way to add 'gif' support to ImLib?

Thanks a lot,   

Alexander Kotelnikov
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

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