Re: [gtk-list] Re: Xlib errors - Can someone decrypt this for me?

> Havoc> It sure would be nice to have gdk_close_display() for this
> Havoc> purpose...
> Or something to FD_CLOEXEC the display connection.

On a related note, having fixed the Xlib errors by closing the
X connection for the secondary SNMP process, I am getting a
(seeming harmless) error from gdk in reference to an 'x io error'.
This error seems to pop up -after- the process has finished all
of its SNMP queries, but I am not entirely sure if it is coming
from the process itself exiting or somehow being generated by
gdk_input_add().  The program continues on like normal and
gives back the correct results from the router.

Mostly an annoyance, but presumably there is something I am still

David Nicklay _________ Ventura  O-
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