file selection filtering in filesel.

I would like to apply the following patch to the cvs repository
if no-one has any problmes with it.

It is the gtk-rbock-981208-0.patch with a little extra patch
I put on top of it. I also changed the testgtk filesel test
to just update the file list if there are any '*' or '?' 
characters in the filename when the ok button is clicked.

Let me know if there is any problem with this. 

   | Todd Dukes                      E-MAIL: |
   | Motorola Somerset                  Phone:   (512) 424-8008 |
   | MS OE70                                                    |
   | 6300 Bridgepoint Parkway Building #3                       |
   | Austin, Texas 78730                                        |       
*** gtkfilesel.c.990114	Fri Jan 15 12:01:39 1999
--- gtkfilesel.c	Fri Jan 15 12:02:18 1999
*** 304,309 ****
--- 304,311 ----
  					   GdkEventButton *bevent,
  					   gpointer data);
+ static gboolean	gtk_file_selection_filtered  (GtkFileSelection *fs, 
+ 					      gchar *filename);
  static void gtk_file_selection_populate      (GtkFileSelection      *fs,
  					      gchar                 *rel_path,
  					      gint                   try_complete);
*** 493,498 ****
--- 495,503 ----
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (entry_vbox), filesel->selection_entry, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
    gtk_widget_show (filesel->selection_entry);
+   filesel->filter=NULL;
+   filesel->numfilter=0;
    if (!cmpl_state_okay (filesel->cmpl_state))
        gchar err_buf[256];
*** 1070,1082 ****
  static gint
  gtk_file_selection_key_press (GtkWidget   *widget,
  			      GdkEventKey *event,
  			      gpointer     user_data)
    GtkFileSelection *fs;
-   char *text;
    g_return_val_if_fail (widget != NULL, FALSE);
    g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
--- 1075,1096 ----
+ void  
+ gtk_file_selection_update_filter( GtkFileSelection *filesel) 
+ {
+   char *text;
+   text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (filesel->selection_entry));
+   text = g_strdup (text);
+   gtk_file_selection_populate (filesel, text, TRUE);
+   g_free (text);
+ }
  static gint
  gtk_file_selection_key_press (GtkWidget   *widget,
  			      GdkEventKey *event,
  			      gpointer     user_data)
    GtkFileSelection *fs;
    g_return_val_if_fail (widget != NULL, FALSE);
    g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
*** 1084,1097 ****
    if (event->keyval == GDK_Tab)
        fs = GTK_FILE_SELECTION (user_data);
!       text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (fs->selection_entry));
!       text = g_strdup (text);
!       gtk_file_selection_populate (fs, text, TRUE);
!       g_free (text);
        gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name (GTK_OBJECT (widget), "key_press_event");
        return TRUE;
--- 1098,1104 ----
    if (event->keyval == GDK_Tab)
        fs = GTK_FILE_SELECTION (user_data);
!       gtk_file_selection_update_filter(fs);
        gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name (GTK_OBJECT (widget), "key_press_event");
        return TRUE;
*** 1279,1284 ****
--- 1286,1321 ----
+ void	   gtk_file_selection_set_filter	  (GtkFileSelection *filesel,
+ 						   gchar	    **filter,
+ 						   gint 	     numfilter)
+ {
+   gint i;
+   if (filesel->numfilter) {
+     for (i=0; i<filesel->numfilter; i++) g_free(filesel->filter[i]);
+   }
+   g_free(filesel->filter);
+   filesel->filter=(gchar **) g_malloc(numfilter*sizeof(gchar *));
+   for (i=0; i<numfilter; i++) {
+     filesel->filter[i]=g_strdup(filter[i]);
+   }
+   filesel->numfilter=numfilter;
+   gtk_file_selection_populate (filesel, "", FALSE);
+ }
+ static gboolean
+ gtk_file_selection_filtered(GtkFileSelection *fs, gchar *filename)
+ {
+   gint i=0;
+   for (i=0; i<fs->numfilter; i++) 
+     if (!fnmatch(fs->filter[i], filename, 0))
+       return TRUE;
+   return FALSE;
+ }
  static void
  gtk_file_selection_populate (GtkFileSelection *fs,
  			     gchar            *rel_path,
*** 1357,1363 ****
!           else
  	      int width = gdk_string_width(fs->file_list->style->font,
--- 1394,1401 ----
! 	  else 
! 	  if (!fs->filter || gtk_file_selection_filtered(fs, filename))
  	      int width = gdk_string_width(fs->file_list->style->font,
*** gtkfilesel.h.990114	Fri Jan 15 12:01:49 1999
--- gtkfilesel.h	Fri Jan 15 12:02:27 1999
*** 65,70 ****
--- 65,72 ----
    GtkWidget *button_area;
    GtkWidget *action_area;
+   gchar     **filter;
+   gint      numfilter;
*** 83,90 ****
  						   const gchar	    *pattern);
  void       gtk_file_selection_show_fileop_buttons (GtkFileSelection *filesel);
  void       gtk_file_selection_hide_fileop_buttons (GtkFileSelection *filesel);
  #ifdef __cplusplus
  #endif /* __cplusplus */
--- 85,95 ----
  						   const gchar	    *pattern);
  void       gtk_file_selection_show_fileop_buttons (GtkFileSelection *filesel);
  void       gtk_file_selection_hide_fileop_buttons (GtkFileSelection *filesel);
! void	   gtk_file_selection_set_filter	  (GtkFileSelection *filesel,
! 						   gchar	    **filter,
! 						   gint 	     numfilter);
! /* this updates the file list */
! void       gtk_file_selection_update_filter       (GtkFileSelection *filesel);
  #ifdef __cplusplus
  #endif /* __cplusplus */
*** testgtk.c.990114	Fri Jan 15 12:02:04 1999
--- testgtk.c	Fri Jan 15 12:02:37 1999
*** 5206,5211 ****
--- 5206,5217 ----
  file_selection_ok (GtkWidget        *w,
  		   GtkFileSelection *fs)
+   char * text;
+   text = gtk_file_selection_get_filename(fs);
+   if (strchr(text, '*') || strchr(text, '?')) {
+     gtk_file_selection_update_filter(fs);
+     return;
+   }
    g_print ("%s\n", gtk_file_selection_get_filename (fs));
    gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (fs));

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