Re: [gtk-list] Resources?

On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, Rostedt, Steven wrote:
> There's been a lot of talk on this list about accessing internal data items
> directly or with a specific function.  Coming from an Motif background,
> what about adding Resources for a GTK+-1.4 version, with a 
> get_resource and set_resource routine.  The widgets then just have
> to define a table that maps the data in the structures to the resource.
> Once done, then you don't have to have a separate function for
> every resource you want to modify or read. Plus you still maintain
> the OO encapsulation.

There is already a thing like this, object arguments, but it's not
implemented for all the widgets yet.

For example you can say:
 gtk_widget_new (gtk_vbox_get_type (),
                        "GtkBox::homogeneous", FALSE,
                        "GtkBox::spacing", 5,
                        "GtkContainer::border_width", 10,
                        "GtkWidget::parent", main_vbox,
                        "GtkWidget::visible", TRUE,

(from testgtk.c) 

And you can also get and set those things on the fly.


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