Unsolvable bug ...


I have a bug I can't solve. My program crash desperately.

I have tried to re-think the approach, and the code, but ...

I just had an idea, maybe what I want to do is basically wrong : I want
to modify the content of a part of a windows.

It's a search area, so the user can define the fields,.... then click on
the search button. At this time I do a gtk_widget_destroy of a vbox
inside the window, and put the result of the research instead.

But I want my user to be able to refine the search, so once again I
destroy the box and put the search widget inside.

For example  I have two vbox :

searchbox and searchcontainer.

I use the searchcontainer to put the search widget and the result. I do


when the user click on something, then I reconstruct the
searchcontainer, with the precedent widget. Then I make a



But this seems to destabilize the code.

Do you think the pilosophy is wrong, and why ? What should I use instead

This is quite urgent, so please forgive me if I ask you to help me
resolve a bug of mine ...

Thank you

P.S. I'm coding a MySQL interface with  Gtk+, if it may help !

Bruno Mairlot

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