Re: [gtk-list] Dynamic loading

D. Emilio Grimaldo Tunon wrote:
> Hi *,


>    Just a question about gmodules. What if a dynamic
> shared object has references to functions that are
> defined in another library, how does one gets it to
> work without bombing out at runtime due to unresolved
> references? I'm talking about Solaris but Linux answers
> are welcome too. I tried adding the -lthislib to the ld
> command when creating the shared object but that doesn't
> help.
>                 Best Regards,
>                                 emilio

When a shared library is loaded (I'm talking 'bout linux) by an
application, it will, or resolve its symbols directly or resolve the
symbols when it encounters one. I've looked at my Linux Application
Development book and it doesn't say anything about loading shared libs
on command which will load shared libs on command. It is, i think, the
responsebility of the programmer as soon as the application is running.
By the way.. I think making lots of dependancies within modules...
Otherwise, give every module an init-function that will load the needed
libraries (or references them if they're already in memory). You need to
load the modules "lasy" then...



Arjan Molenaar

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