Re: [gtk-list] Re: GDK_EXPOSE

On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 wrote:

> (Syd Logan) wrote:
> >But I might want to hear about the GraphicsExpose/NoExpose events 
> >asynchronously via a signal callback. If I am copying a huge area it would 
> >be more efficient to fire the copy off and go do something else. 
> Yes, that's true. I handle this in my app by keeping my own queue of pending
> repaint operations:

I don't have much experience with X-programming or Gdk-programming, but
I'll have a go here anyway...
Wouldn't it be easier (easiest?) if there were 3 gdk-events, one for both
Expose and GraphicsExpose (GDK_EXPOSE), and one for each of the individual
ones? The newbies (like me) can use GDK_EXPOSE and leave it at that, and
the more advanced programmers can use the GraphicsExpose and Expose if
they want. Wouldn't that be more logical than calling functions to check
which one we have as well? Or should I use more of my spare time to get
a grip on X programming? :)

Ketil Froyn
All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.

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