ANNOUNCE: gTick 0.1.1


This is the first public release of my new GTK+ app, gTick.

gTick is a GTK+ based Metronome, with a variable speed of 30bpm to 250bpm.
I wrote this because of a need for a Linux/UN*X based metronome program,
I couldn't find _anything_ on the internet, so i decided to write this.

It was developed/tested with GTK+ 1.1.14, it should work on earlier
versions, but it _WON'T_ work with GTK+ 1.0.

It is available from:

This is only the first release, and only has the most basic metronome
functions.. the next release will have more advanced features.
But right now, it DOES work, and works very well. For the other main reason
for writing this was because I needed a metronome to play my guitar to (i'm
learning, so something like this is very useful), and i didn't want to fork
out more money, not when I have the power of Linux and GTK+ at my fingertips!

 /- - Alex Roberts - -\
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