Re: [gtk-list] Re: Can't Run GTK--'s HelloWorld

>> Where should I look for the problem?

>Could you try to run 'ldconfig' (as root), then retry to run
>hello_world ?

>Note that the 'hello_world' in tutorial/ is in fact a generated shell
>script, the actual binary is in tutorial/.libs. Try running the binary 

Thanks for the reply, and sorry that I wasn't clear earlier.  I
actually did the hello_world example as my own program and compiled

Last night when I was poking around and then I found this tutorial
directory itself.  I tried it, and that actually works, both by
running the shell script and by  running the binary directly in the
 .libs directory.

I suspect now that I may not be linking in enough library in my
own build.  Here is my Makefile:

CC = g++
INCLUDES = -I /usr/local/lib/Gtk--/include \
        -I /usr/lib/glib/include
LIBS = -lgtk -lgdk -lgtkmm -lgdkmm -lglib -rdynamic

hello:  hello_world.o
        $(CC) $(LIBS) -o hello hello_world.o

        $(CC) $(INCLUDES) -c


Did I have everything I need?  :)

Also that I don't seem to have the 'ldconfig' command you mentioned
above.  Where should I go find it?

Thanks a lot!


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