Cosmetic bug in gtkoptionmenu


There's a small bug in the way gtk_option_menus of very small size get
drawn when the have the focus. See the time popups in gnomecal for an
example -- once you have popped the menu, and selected an item or opened
a submenu in the menu, when the optionmenu 'button' gets focus, it draws
the selected item in the button, even though there isn't enough space.

I made patch to fix this, which changes gtkoptionmenu so that it only
draws its child when the child is totally within the child_area (as
opposed to now, when it draws if the the child just intersects the
child_area). I don't know if this is the best way to fix the problem...
but it works for me.

Should I send the patch to the list, or is there a specific person,
or... ?


Jason P.

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