Re: [gtk-list] Unidentified subject!

On Mon, 20 Dec 1999 13:52:51 -0500, Peter Garner wrote:
> Do NOT use a static member method or ANY OTHER C++ method for a 
> callback!  Especially with something like GTK where the method is cast 
> forceably by a macro to the expected function pointer.  The problem is 
> that C++ functions may or may not have the same calling convention, etc. 
> as C functions.  The proper way to mix C and C++ function pointers is 
> to declare the callback "extern C": 

I think you're confused by the C++ name mangling. C++ uses exactly the
same calling convention as C (given that both compilers come from the same

> //  gp is a pointer to a class of our own 
> extern "C" gint callback ( GTKObject * pgtkO , gpointer gp ) 
> { 
>   MyClass * pmclass = static_cast < MyClass * > ( gp ) ; 
>   return pmclass -> doSomething ( pgtkO ) ; 
> } 
> By declaring the callback function as extern "C" you assure that there 
> will be no matching problems between C and C++.  There was a HUGE 
> discussion of this in comp.programming.threads a month or two ago. 

The matching problem is a name mangling problem (which will not occur in
this example).

> Indeed, not bothering to differentiate between C and C++ calling 
> conventions SEEMS to work with current versions of g++, there is NO 
> guarentee that it will work with future releases, and the resulting 
> code is CERTAINLY not portable. 

There is no guarantee, but there is also no reason for the gcc maintainers
to change the calling convention. Given the fact that the C and C++
compilers use the same code generation algorithms it will be pretty hard
to change. I'm over two and a half years subscribed to the gcc mailinglist
(and its precursors gcc2 and egcs) and I've never seen a message about
changing the calling convention *between* the C and C++ compiler. The only
changes in calling convention are to make it compatible with the vendor OS

What does the C++ standard have to say about this? 


J.A.K. (Erik) Mouw, Information and Communication Theory Group, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems,
Delft University of Technology, PO BOX 5031,  2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-15-2785859  Fax: +31-15-2781843  Email

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