GtkViewport documentation

Seeing as how we are on the topic of scrolled windows,
I figured I'd toss in a question
that has been plaguing me for a while now.
I have an application that needs to contain a tree widget within a
notebook page (basically, a frame).  I set the size of the scrolled
window, put the tree in that (using set_usize and add_with_viewport
commands) and everything works great, except...
when I enlarge the application, the viewport in the x direction will
expand, but not in the y direction.  Simply put, I wind up having
a big window with a very a tiny viewport contained within it.
I am using Perl/Gtk but I imagine I could determine
what the perl calls are from the C pretty easily.  Has anyone
run into this?  Is there an "expand" or "policy" or "grow"
command/option I should set for the viewport or the scrolled window?

I have tried reading the Gtk+ reference docs on the set_policy command
for ScrolledWindows, but it's pretty terse.  I've tried all 4 combinations
of this command, and it still does not help.

For whatever it is worth, I tried not setting the usize on the hopes that the
scrolled window would take it's cue from it's parent somehow, but
I wound up getting a VERY tiny viewport.

Any thoughts would be appreciated...

Bruce Tartaglia

Bruce Tartaglia
Steamboat Software
4456 Avocado St.
Los Angeles, CA 90027

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