Re: [gtk-list] Re: Gtk rc file parsing question

* Owen Taylor ( wrote:
> So, you'll have to do something like the what the theme
> switcher does. Create a symlink in the user's home directory
> pointing at the correct RC file, read that with 
> gtk_rc_parse(), then when you switch to your other
> theme, switch the symlink, and call:
>  gtk_rc_reparse_all();
>  gtk_widget_reset_rc_styles (window);

Uk. I don't like that! There must be a way around that. I do not want
to change the whole gtk theme for the user, even for an instant!

I just want to load the styles from an rc, then replace those styles
with different ones from another rc. This is all local to the app, and
only selected bits of that!

This is not a full blown theme file. It is a gtkrc containing only a
few styles, one for each type of board tile...

I probably didn't make myself very clear, I'm good at that ;)

    .^.     | Tom Gilbert, England | |
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