Re: [gtk-list] multiple versions

* Marty J. Rogers ( [990806 16:32]:
> Hello all, I'm a newbie trying to install GTK+ 1.2.3 in order to
> compile additional software packages on my RedHat 5.2 system. I've
> managed to get GTK (and Glib) installed using the standard
> ./configure, make, make install process but when i go to put other
> things on, they complain that the wrong versions of gtk are
> installed. when i check i see the redhat distribution installed rpms
> for GTK and Glib 1.0.3, which I can't seem to replace because
> several other things have dependancies on them. Can anyone offer
> assistance on how to replace the old versions and update the other
> software? Or can the two different versions exist together? Thanks
> for any help,

If I had a penny for every time this happened :-)

The Redhat rpms install to the /usr prefix, whereas a default (no
arguments) ./configure, make, make install will stick stuff in
/usr/local. This causes a conflict, as you now have a copy of
gtk-config in /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin, both for different
versions of gtk.

To fix your problem, do a make uninstall in your gtk+ source
directory, and then make clean. Now do this:
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
make install

and everything will be hunky dory. Just be sure to remove any trace of gtk+
from the /usr/local tree (make uninstall should do this for you).

PS. Your post was all on one long line, no linefeeds! :-)
    .^.     | Tom Gilbert, England | |
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