Re: [gtk-list] Re: Maximum possible text widget size / set_usize()value

On Mon, 2 Aug 1999, Christoph Ender wrote:
> In this special case, I really want to scroll the text widget. I'd like to
> display an email message with its attachments. Body and attachments should
> get a widget of their own - one widget for display text, another one for
> images and so on. That's what the vbox is for, to place the attachments
> below the text.
> I've already tried to put the text widget in a layout container, since
> this appears to be the only one that can have a size > 32767. But if I try
> to set the text widget to a size > 32767 via gtk_widget_set_usize(), it
> will not display with the desired size, but much smaller - maybe 200
> pixels high. Is it possible for the text widget itself to have a size >
> 32767 or is the layout container the only widget that breaks this barrier?

What you're trying to do is not going to work well (plus it's going to use
an awful lot of RAM). All widgets have the 32767 size limit; that's
because the maximum size of an X window is 32767. Some widgets create the
illusion of infinite area by keeping the widget small and changing its
contents - GtkLayout, GtkCList, GnomeCanvas, etc. all do this.

So I'd either rework your interface or look into writing a custom widget,
or using something like GtkMozilla.


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