Re: [gtk-list] another c++ question

> What's the word on writing gimp plugins in C++?

No idea ... I've once looked at this code briefly and
didn't see anything that seemed to prevent the use
of C++

> Also, is there anything gtk+ is missing to be used with C++? I've
> complained before about c++ compilers giving warnings but I can live with
> that. What's gtk--? Do I need it? If it's something that's designed to be
> used with C++, does it keep up with gtk+?

Gtk-- is a very nice C++ layer around Gtk+. There
are other C++ bindings out there (VDK comes to mind) but
I haven't tried them. If you want to use C++ you really want to
check out these language bindings as they'll let you use
all the C++ stuff (inheritance, polimorphism, virtual functions, etc)
properly ...

Check out the language binding section at, it will
point you to the proper places ...

--> R

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