Re: [gtk-list] Re: Interfaces

Bertrand Guiheneuf <> writes:

> said:
> // > of course, this doesn't work as magically with gtk as well
> // And I wonder how much magic it will take to wrap this in C++ or ObjC.
> // :-)
> In ObjC, at least, protocols do that for you.

Precisely. GTK+ is about to have its own implementation of protocols,
and ObjC has another one... I suppose the right thing to do will
simply be not to wrap it at all.

> // Really, you sure you're not taking this "let's do OO in C" thing a bit
> // too far ? 
> Not farther than C++ took that "let's complicate that C a bit" :)

Well, at least we can have really serious obfuscated code contests. :-)


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