Re: [gtk-list] I want to understand


this is sort of a FAQ ... let me summarize what I remember from
previous discussions on this topic:

1) More people know C than C++. This means more potential programmers.
2) C is the de-facto standard for UNIX programming. (related to #1)
3) C compiles much faster (and compilation uses less memory) than C++
4) Using C++ as the base would make other language bindings more difficult
to write (??)
5) Just about any system has a decent C compiler ... the story is not quite
so simple for C++ where different compilers may implement a different
subset of the language. This will probably not be an issue anymore in
a few years, but for now this is something to keep in mind ...

Try Gtk--, I use it and like it very much ...

--> R

Allaud Emmanuel <> on 04/14/99 09:44:00 AM

Please respond to

cc:    (bcc: Robert Gasch/PeopleSoft)
Subject:  [gtk-list] I want to understand

I just wonder (after having a quick look in the sources of Gtk+) why this
lib uses C-programming to implements objects instead of directly C++. I
have heard about faster c-compilation than c++, but I think that's not THE
issue. So, I just want to know what are the real reasons (just to satisfy
my curiosity before, because I'm to code in Gtk+ perhaps via Gtk--, so I
want to understand deeper before beginning).


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