Re: [gtk-list] using a callback as a normal function

> static GtkItemFactoryEntry menu_items[] =
> {
>      {"/_File", NULL, NULL, 0, "<Branch>"},
>      {"/File/_New", "<control>N", NULL, 0, NULL},
>      {"/File/_Open", "<control>O", file_open, 0, NULL},
>      ....
> };
> how do I pass arguments to this?

Pass arguments to your callback through argument four.  To pass the value,
VALUE, to your function, use

static GtkItemFactoryEntry menu_items[] =
     {"/File/_Open", "<control>O", file_open, gpointer(VALUE), NULL},

This is explained in tutorial 1.2, section 13.4.

Best Wishes,  --josh

                       Joshua Richardson
Dept. Cognitive and Neural Systems / Center for Adaptive Systems
                       Boston University

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