2 questions..

I'm trying to get things nicely set up with my new gnome install, and one
of the things I'd like is support for the wheel on my MS Intellimouse.
At http://www.inria.fr/koala/colas/mouse-wheel-scroll/#gtk it says that
support is on the way, and may be included in 1.2. I have 1.2 and I've
noticed that scrolling down is like a right click and scrolling forward it
like a left click. I am encouraged by that into believing that maybe there
is a way to translate that into actual scrolling functionality? Any ideas?

Also, I'm not sure if this is the right place to address this but I've
noticed that the Alt-Tab keyboard shortcut in Gnome goes away if you try
using it to switch from a Terminal. I guess the keypress gets caught by
the terminal instead of Gnome/gtk? Then after switching out of that
window with the mouse it still doesn't work. Is this a known bug or
something being worked on or as yet unheard of?

okay, thanks a lot! I hope someone can help me with these minor

Josh Jones

  Josh  |  josh@newdream.net
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 Jones  |  http://josh.newdream.net

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