something trouble in GTK1.2.0 & 1.2.1 install ?

hi, all,

sorry for resend this, but it still can't run, and 
i don't know how to do next.

I run into a trouble when i installed the Gtk1.2.0 &. 1.2.1.

after "./configure", when i do the "make", it said there is no 
the file,! 

yep, i searched for it in my system, there is no the file.

how can i do? is there something not been built correctly?

my system is RedHat5.1 in a PII/233cpu, 32M Memory, PC.

thanx in advance.

best regards.

уесюг©     (Chinese name by GB2312 encoded)
Zhang Yongqiang
In the Digital World NOTHING is Impossible!

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