GTK listening to files descriptors

Hi to all,

I'm trying to use GTK to build a frontend to a CSIM simulation. This
simulation can be configures to throw all its out put to stdout or a
file. My idea is to use a fork plus an exit in the frontend and "listen"
to the output of the simulation.

I've read the post Paul Bunyk regarding "Proper ways to fork() a GTK
program", and it's very similar to what I want to do, except that he
waits until the end of the run of the forked/executed process. I cannot
do this, 'cause the idea is to let the user change on-line the
parameters of the simulation.

If I don't remmeber bad, in Motif there was a way to attach a file
descriptor or similar to a callback, so "if there's data in this fd,
call this function()".

Is it posible to do something similar in GTK ? This way, I'll retain the
interactive part of the fron-tend.  I haven't yet looked at all the
documentation so it's possible that there's a function that I'm missing.

I'll appreciate all your comments.


Hugo Varotto
Computer Science Dept.
University of Pittsburgh

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