Addition: [gtk-list] gdk + gtk question

sorry ...

an addition to question 2:
I know that toolbars can be dragged off, but what I tried to say is: can
these windows be noticeable to the windowmanager from the start and
then seperated and handled in another way than normal windows ?


On Thu, 1 Apr 1999, Alexander Peuchert wrote:

> hi there,
> I'm involved in the PDA gui development for the psion linux port ...
> we have thought of using GTK aus a widget set ... ( but not, but that is
> another story :-) )
> so, I have got some questions:
> - how small can GTK be shrinked ? I think of leaving out themes and so on...
> - as a PDA display is quite small, only one window should stay in front(
> well, that would be the responsibility of a windowmanager! ), but can in
> GTK the menu window and the toolbars be split from the main-window? I
> think of the menu being allways in a special place like on NeXTSTeP and
> not attached to the window. This would give a bit more space ...
> Thanks,
> alex
> Alexander Peuchert
> -- 
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Alexander Peuchert

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