ANNOUNCE: Word Inspector 0.1a

  I recently released Word Inspector 0.1a.  It is a very small bugfix
release; it adds a #include to one of the C files that some people's
installations seemed to want.  If you were interested in running the first
version but had problems getting it to compile, give this one a try.  If you
didn't have any problems, don't bother...

  I hope to have some more interesting updates out in the next few weeks;
some leftover code from a similar project was given to me by
<> (Thanks!) implementing the DICT protocol, so
hopefully the next release won't require the dict client to run, and should
be a little faster.  I've gotten some good interface suggestions, too, that
I hope to incorporate.  If anybody has any more suggestions, comments, or
problems, let me know!

  Original announcement follows, for anyone who didn't see it.



  Word Inspector is a graphical front-end to the "dict" program. The dict
program allows you to search through one or more dictionary-like reference
books for a word, then displays its definition. Word Inspector expands that
by allowing you to enter words to look up more easily, easily look up words
that appear in the definition for another word, and automatically look up a
word in the X Windows selection.  You can download and install your own
dictionaries, or use them over the Internet.

  It uses Gtk+ for its user interface, and was built with the Glade
interface builder.  It is not currently Gnome-aware, but is still a very
useful addition to your Gnome desktop.  Full Gnome support is intended for
the next release.  Word Inspector is licensed under the GPL.

  The homepage for Word Inspector (which includes the download, installation
instructions, and a screenshot) is at:

.  Please let me know if you have any problems, or if you get it working
succesfully.  Comments are, of course, appreciated.

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