Re: [gtk-list] Re: Widget user interface comments

On Sun, 13 Sep 1998, KC5TJA wrote:

> On Fri, 11 Sep 1998, Paul Duncan wrote:
> > Yuck.  I hate forced delays; they feel like wWindoze.  Maybe we could
> > overload one of the other buttons so it doesn't automatically scroll like
> > crazy.
> I have a better idea -- make it USER configurable.  Then the authors of
> the widget(s) don't need to put up with 50% of the population not liking a
> certain behavior, and a huge number of developers trying to write software
> around GTK's already existing code.
i completely agree. how about doing it "user-configurable" instead of
"developer-configurable", like MUI (magic user interface) in the Amiga? :)
(few days ago i saw an app using XClasses, and it had that kind of
configurability (thru pull-down menus, just like mui) too)

> > > When a menu is displayed, clicking on the title again should make it
> > > disappear.
> > Yes, Yes, Yes! As a former Mac user, this is one of the most infuriating
> > GTK UI quirks for me.
> Here's a suggestion for y'all...PIN-UP menus.  Dammit, I *hate* having to
> constantly right click and move the mouse all over hell and creation just
> to get at a frequently accessed menu item (GIMP is absolutely notorious
> for this, and is why I am suggesting this).  I think pin-up menus would be
> absolutely dandy to have.
pin-up menus are good also.

> > Again, I agree with you.  Radio buttons are a bit ambiguous right now.
> And furthermore, radio buttons should be round, not diamonds.  This is one
> of my pet peeves.
yes. also, thick-checkbuttons would be good.

> > > Personally I think the Mac look, with the left or down triangle and no
> > > dotted lines looks much cleaner than the windows look implemented in
> > > Gtk, with the + and - and the lines connecting everything. I think you
> > I also like the mac look more, but what really impresses me is the
> > keyboard commands on the mac side.  You can select a bunch of different
> > tree items, the press Command-left arrow and all of those tree items will
> > expand...  Very nice
> Are you aware that you can substitute the + and - images with your own in
> your own applications?  I seem to recall this being possible with GTK...
> Regardless, this should be user configurable as well, as I personally
> prefer + and -, as the Mac interface is horribly confusing to me... :)
i agree again. :)

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