Re: [gtk-list] g_slist_foreach

On 2 Sep 1998, Sascha Ziemann wrote:

> This definition of g_slist_foreach is not able to report errors during
> execution of the user function.

It's not meant to... It's meant to run a function on all the elements in a
list - if you need to do 'failout on error' use a for loop:

	GSList *curent;
	for(curent = alist; curent; curent = g_slist_next(curent)) {
		if(error) break;
		/* Do stuff */

There's nothing magical about what g_*list_foreach() does that can't be
reproduced in a couple of lines of code ;-)
-- Elliot
Progress (n.): The process through which Usenet has evolved from smart
people in front of dumb terminals to dumb people in front of smart
terminals.  --

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