Tree item expansion

 When a tree expands beyond the size of the scrolled window it is sitting
in, the scrolled window with policy automatic does not react. If the size
of the scrolled window is adjusted (via top level window), the scrolled
window recognizes the tree's growth and places scrollbars.  A similar
process happens when the tree collapses to fit (if top level window
resized, scrollbars go away).
 This behavior is evident in the tree example of the Gtk/Perl test code. 
 I'd like to find a way to make the scrolled window notice the tree
expanding or collapsing. I've read the docs, but I can't seem to find a
way to monitor the process. Any help is appreciated.

Gtk/Perl 0.3, gtk+-1.1.2, glib-1.1.3.


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