Re: [gtk-list] Re: GTK Installation

   Dear Jason

   > This may sound like a dumb question, but it's legit.  Do you have make
   > installed AND in your path?  Or is the no such file error from make and
   > along the lines of there is no makefile?

   Well, the INSTALL file says that the makefile is called 'make' and that after
   you have run ./configure it should be there. However, all I can see are
   makefiles that begin with a capital m. So prehaps the makefile has not been

   This is all very confusing.

The error response he would get from not having make installed would
be ``make:  command not found'' (at least from either bash or tcsh;
I don't know of a shell that's an exception though there may be one).

The gtk+ INSTALL file doesn't say anything about what the makefile is
called (at least it doesn't with 1.1.1; presumably it doesn't in 1.0.6

The makefile created by ./configure is called Makefile.

If you could provide an actual trace of the exact messages you're
given by ./configure and by make, it would be helpful.
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University
``Welcome to the Hellmouth Petting Zoo'' -- Buffy

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