Re: [gtk-list] GTK Installation

This may sound like a dumb question, but it's legit.  Do you have make
installed AND in your path?  Or is the no such file error from make and
along the lines of there is no makefile?


On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, David Nicholson wrote:

>  I have RedHat 5.1 and I am trying to install GTK 1.0.6.
>  I run ./configure and everything looks ok. The script exits after telling me
>  that the makefile has been constructed etc. When I type make at the prompt
>  nothing happens apart from a 'no such file' error message. I am in the right
>  directory, that is the one created by unpacking the tar file and I am
>  following the instructions in the INSTALL file. Everything has compiled and
>  linked OK by the way.
>  Can you help please?
>  Regards
>  David Nicholson
> -- 
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Jason A. Pfeil, Computer Science Graduate Student      101 Carothers Hall			       C3527 University Center				       (850)644-8014

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