Re: [gtk-list] ANNOUNCE: GChip8 0.8.0

>>>>> "Curtiss" == Curtiss Howard <> writes:

Curtiss> GChip8 is an interpreter/emulator for the CHIP8 virtual
Curtiss> machine.  CHIP8 was popular on old 70's do-it-yourself
Curtiss> computers and in the early 90's on the HP48 series of
Curtiss> calculators.

Wow!  Now that takes me back.

My first exposure to computers was when I bought a 6802 computer kit
which came with a whole 512 bytes of RAM.  It ran CHIP8.  I spent a
few weekends hand disassembling the CHIP8 interpreter just to work out
how it worked.

I have just got to get your program!

- Dave

Version: 3.1
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!V(-) PS+ PE- Y+ PGP !t-- 5++ X R tv b+ DI+++ D G e++ h--- r+++ y++++

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