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I just send this mail to
so here it comes once again.
Here is a bit better drawing:

What I want, is to have a dialog on my scrolled window
without window manager decoration. Just like this:

        |               pulldown menu                           |
        |     |v|       hruler                                  |
        |  p  | |-----------------------------------------------|
        |     |r|         scrolled window                       |
        |  a  | |                                               |
        |     |u|       ---------------------------------       |
        |  n  | |       |       popup dialog            |       |
        |     |l|       |                               |       |
        |  e  | |       ---------------------------------       |
        |     |e|                                               |
        |  l  | |-----------------------------------------------|
        |     |r|       message window                          |
 >> To get just what I want, I must reparent to scrolled window.
 >> Everything works just fine, but I don't like that warning message.
 >> Could someone with more experience help me.
 >If this works at all, you are very lucky. ;-)
 Yes, it works very fine, except that warning message, so I am lucky!
 >A scrolled window is not a toplevel widget at all, and a
 >Dialog is a toplevel widget and cannot meaningfully
 >be reparented as a child widget.
 In my gui I have pulldown menu, h and vrulers, a panel in the left side
 and a message window at bottom. The scrolled window with the drawing area
 at middle.
 On the drawing area (scrolled window) I will popup dialogs
 for example a rule base editor so that membership functions can be drawn
 on the drawing area at the same time. There are several other dialogs, too.
 >What you want to do is create a Window widget with
   gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
 I've tried that - oh what I haven't - but I can't get the entries editable.
 I can't get it placed either.
 >This creates an "override-redirect" window - one that
 >won't be seen by your window manager.
 >Put your scrolled window inside of that,
 Does this mean that your advise is to create
  gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
 instead of
  gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
 or how I should understand it?
 >and then putthe contents inside the scrolled window.
 The only content in the scrolled window what I need is just the drawing area.
 >You'll have to duplicate the dialog widget by hand, 
 I didn't understand.
 Thanks a lot. Maybe you will respond.

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