RE: [gtk-list] padding on buttons w/text

> I'm an absolute beginner.  Played around a little yesterday to get the
> hang of a few things, naturally doing "Hello world" and wondering why
> you can't apparently supply any padding between a button and its label
> when you use button_new_with_label.  I tried using
> gtk_container_border_width with the button as container, but that puts
> the padding outside the button.  Wound up writing my own little function
> for creating a button/label combination that provides padding by parking
> an hbox inside the button and putting the label inside the hbox.  I'm
> not really bent out of shape about this (did it mostly as an exercise),
> but I'm wondering if there's an easy method I've missed, and/or if the
> extra widgets I used for my solution are for any reason a bad idea.

A GtkLabel is a subclass of GtkMisc, which has alignment and padding
properties. So I think you can do this:

  button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Hello World");
  gtk_misc_set_padding (GTK_MISC (GTK_BUTTON (button)->child)), 20, 10);


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