Re: dialog without WM decoration


A newbie question!
I have already two weeks experience on gtk+.
This far everything has gone fine.
But now I have a problem.

I am porting an Xaw gui to gtk+.
My scrolled window, drawing area, pulldown menus,
popup menus, panel and message window are packed just fine.
I have some ten dialogs, too.
They work separately just perfect,
when the dialog is created by gtk_dialog_new();

What I want, is to have a dialog on my scrolled window
without window manager decoration. Just like this:

	|         scrolled window                       |
	|                                               |
	|       ---------------------------------       |
	|       |       dialog                  |       |
	|       |                               |       |
        |       ---------------------------------       |
	|                                               |

I want to pop them up and pop down by pulldown menu calls.
Xaw does it simply by this:
dialog = XtCreateWidget("diaboksi", boxWidgetClass, parent,
			diabox_args, XtNumber(diabox_args));

but I can't imagine, how to do this with gtk+.
Good advises are needed.


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