ANNOUNCE: guile-gtk 0.11 released


just a quick note that I have released guile-gtk 0.11.  It's about
time for a new release, that's the whole reason.  It is available from

Guile-gtk is some low-level glue code that makes the Gtk+ toolkit
available to Guile programs.  It has support for easily wrapping
widgets that use the Gtk+ object mechanism but are maintained outside
of the Gtk+ libraries.

It should work with gtk-1.0.6 and recent snapshots of gtk-1.1.

have fun,

NEWS in 0.11

* Bug fixes.

* Guile-gtk does no longer register missing types with Gtk+.  This was
  a questionable practice and was causing trouble for third-party
  libraries.  This change should have no user visible consequences and
  if you don't know what I'm talking about you don't need to worry.

* New type "double" supported in defs files.

* The attribute names used with gtk-object-set, etc. are now treated
  differently when using the long form `class::attribute'.  Just as
  for the short form, the attribute is searched from more specific
  classes towards the root class, but the search starts at the class
  identified by the `class' portion of `class::attribute'.

  Previously, the attribute was searched *only* in the class denoted
  by the `class' portion.

* New example program "continuations.scm" that demonstrates the
  coolnes of continuations.  Hmm, cooltinuations? cultinuations?

* There are some traces of composite types like lists and arrays.

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