Memory leaks in glib from GTK+ 1.0.6


I've detected the reason for three memory leaks in glib from
the GTK+ 1.0.6 distribution.  It is the global variable
_GRealListAllocator.  Here is a code snipped from glist.c:

#include "glib.h"

typedef struct _GRealListAllocator GRealListAllocator;

struct _GRealListAllocator
  GMemChunk *list_mem_chunk;
  GList     *free_list;
static GRealListAllocator *default_allocator = NULL;
static GRealListAllocator *current_allocator = NULL;

When a g_list is allocated this struct allocates three pointers
which will never be freed and I didn't see any clue, how to do
that, because they are hidden for the application.  
Here is a very small program with Makefile which demonstrates the

#include <dmalloc.h>
#include <glib.h>

void main(void)
   GList *piclist = g_list_append(NULL, "Test");

NAME = memory_leak
CFLAGS=-g -D__DMALLOC__ -DDMALLOC_FUNC_CHECK `gtk-config --cflags`
LDFLAGS=-lglib -ldmalloc
$(NAME): $(NAME).o
$(NAME).o: $(NAME).c 

Here are the interesting lines of the output from dmalloc:

3: not freed: '0x804c008|s1' (8 bytes) from 'ra=0x40014246'
3: not freed: '0x804d008|s1' (52 bytes) from 'ra=0x40014246'
3: not freed: '0x804e008|s1' (1024 bytes) from 'ra=0x40014246'
3: unknown memory not freed: 3 pointers, 1084 bytes

I think this should be fixed to have a clean library.
I havn't any idea how it is solved in glib 1.1.4.  Possibly someone
can check this.

Kind regards


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