Re: To GTK, or not to GTK - that is the question

>>>>> "U" == Ulric Eriksson <> writes:

U> I am aware of that attitude; I just don't agree with it. I test
U> build and test run my software on all the platforms I can lay my
U> hands on, and it really helps shake out bugs caused by endianness
U> or minor OS differences.

I think Havoc's point was that most people _can't_ lay their hands on
a Sparc and therefore, won't test it.  Even if they could get access
to a Sparc over the net somewhere, that's not good for much more than
compile testing... I've run X apps over the net (through Wash U's T3
and my ethernet at the time) and I can't imagine debugging that way.  

Alan Shutko <> - By consent of the corrupted
A man with 3 wings and a dictionary is cousin to the turkey.

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