Strange quirk

I'm seeing a strange quirk in behavior. The setup is:

gtk 1.0.6
gtk-- 0.9.20	Both compiled with -D_REENTRANT -O2.

RedHat 5.1

The program needs to input data. If this is done via gdk_input_add(),
everything works fine. However, if the input is done in a separate
thread, any entry based object will fail in g_mem_chunk_alloc() as
soon as a key is pressed.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Richard Neitzel               Torren med sitt skjegg
National Center For Atmospheric Research        lokkar borni under sole-vegg
Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307-3000	                Gjø'i med sitt shinn
303-497-2057                                    jagar borni inn.

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