Re: [gtk-list] Re: Modal Dialog Box

> I have done such a thing using a table.
> To process GTK events: 
>   while gtk_events_pending() gtk_main_iteration()
> as shown in the docs.

  That's gdk_ :-) the documentation (FAQ) is wrong, that's why it
  wasn't working :(

> You could place the code, which would be executed into the callbacks of
> the buttons. I see no need to place the code into the calling function.
> So the OK button callback would delete a file, the CANCEL button callback
> would do nothing.

  Well, I have gotten it to work ok, functionally I mean. However there
  is a little annoying problem and that is that the dialog window gets
  realized, sometimes at once, other times the OK button is super small
  and then after a second or two (and I am on a P133 with 96MB)  it
  grows to its normal size so that the dialog doesn't look 'deformed'.
  Then when I press the button the dialog doesn't dissappear immediately
  instead it does after the dialog window loses focus (mouse out). Any
  explanation about that behaviour? so far that's the only aberration
  of this dialog utility function :)

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