RE: [gtk-list] GtkText - how to delete text completely

On 15-May-98 Michael J. Hammel wrote:
> The following code deletes text from the visible widget, but does
> not
> remove it from the "text" member of the GtkText data structure:
>    len = gtk_text_get_length(GTK_TEXT(textwidget));
>    gtk_text_set_point(GTK_TEXT(textwidget), 0);
>    gtk_text_forward_delete(GTK_TEXT(textwidget), len);
> Is this the proper way of deleteing all text from the text widget
> or is
> there some other routine that does this?  Do I need to manually
> free the
> storage in GtkText->text, along with updating the other relevent
> elements?

This is as proper as deleting text from a GtkText widget gets. I
think the widget reuses the memory allocated to the current buffer
rather than freeing it and reallocating it later.

> On a similar question:  I can get to the text by using
> GtkText->text, but
> is that the way I'm supposed to get to it?  Or is there a routine
> for
> accessing it opaquely? 

Well, there's the macro GTK_TEXT_INDEX(t, index) for getting the
character at position 'index'. Other than that, I think you can use
gtk_editable_get_chars to get a block of characters.


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