Re: [gtk-list] Re: Announce : new irc client

On Sat, 9 May 1998, ari wrote:

>    irc clients.
> many text based clients hover around (most of them based on ircII) which
> are by all means some of the best.  some people don't like text-based clients.
> i have yet to see a good, powerful X irc client.  TkIRC comes the closest
> to this, as it has the gui feel but the functionality of ircII (being an
> ircII front-end), but as it is written in tk, it takes up more cpu than i
> would willingly allocate to an irc client.
At this point, I point out something I often point out to M$ users who use
whatever that annoying MS Mail client that sends HTML and weird stuff I
can never read and so delete without looking twice at it.

SMTP is a plaintext protocol. So is IRC! So I expect a) a text based
mailreader, b) a textbased newsreader and c) a text based irc program.

I don't _like_ ircII, sirc, etc, etc. I like being able to do a /window
create to popup a new window in an xterm. That's about as graphical as I
would go. ksirc is a bit much. But being text based, they're pretty close
to the best thing for the job. Maybe a very simple front end to sirc with
all the perl scripting would be best? But I hate window borders, button
bars, menus, etc on any application which dosen't need them and has a
perfectly good command based interface, because they are a waste of screen
space, which is at a premium on a big working desktop.

> It's a matter of preference.  Treat it as such.  Don't condemn people for
> writing applications that they consider useful and you don't.  Make a
> suggestion and wait, or write it yourself.
Agreed. IMHO, if I want a piece of software, I will write it. 99.99% of my
code has never been seen outside my system. That's just coincidence, I
don't think most people would be interested in a lot of ot. But if
somebody wants a piece of code, and wants to write it, they should. Better
that than trying to convince someone else to write it for them!



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