Re: [gtk-list] Graphics Context & Drawing with Gdk? writes:

> As part of a project I'm currently working on I need to display a
> small plot of signal. I've managed to create a window with a drawing 
> area, off screen pixmap etc. What I want to do is draw some axes and 
> labels in one color and plot the data in a another color. 

Another option is to embed a plotutils widget in your GTK widget.  I
can probably dig up some code if needed.  You can get plotutils from  It's mostly designed for rendering static plots
to screen, postscript, fig, tek, etc., but it has some support for
incremental rendering of incoming data.

Right now, you can't put a full blown graph into an Xdrawable (it has
to come up in a separate window via the "graph" process, but support
for embedded graphs should be coming.  Currently you *can* use its
lower level drawing primitives (that are pretty powerful) to draw to
an arbitrary Xdrawable.

Rob Browning <>
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