Re: [gtk-list] Gtk and Java. wrote:
> Hi all,
>   is there somebody that is writing interface for Java language?
> I think that gtk is a good candidate to replace awt for Linux
> applications and a wrapper could be very useful for small PCs.
> Let me know if somebody is working on it and if somebody is
> interested on it.

That would be moi. I've been working on it for a few weeks now, and
finally getting to a point where I might actually get some
widgets/components popping up on the screen.

GTK is a good for this. The OO design makes life simple in a lot of
ways. My biggest problem right now is just coming to terms with the
interface, but I think I've got that under my belt now.

And I've redesigned the classes a few times, after I finally realized
how GTK worked. Now it's full steam ahead. I'm just on my way to bed,
but I'm expecting to have some test cases written tomorrow that will
actually do something, beside just compiling 8).

I'm doing this as part of JCL (Java Class Libraries) which is an LGPL
library for Java. It was born of Japhar, an LGPL JVM. BUT, my awt
implements (tentatively known as GAWT (GTK AWT)) should work with *any*
JVM under unix where GTK is available.

My wasted space ---

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