Re: Windows NT port of GTK+

I'm not going to directly address the various comments, but just a quick
fyi.  There is a free X server (mix from MicroImages
for NT (it is feature poor though).  I have compiled whatever version of
GTK+ came with gimp 0.99.15 on NT.  I have compiled gimp 0.99.15 on NT
for that matter.  It would be nice if we could convince the folks over
at MicroImages to open the source to their X Server so we could add the
features we want.  They already blew me off once, but maybe if enough
people ask and try to persuade them they will do it.  Anyways, I used
b18 cygnus tools, with Sergey's patches and the X11 client libraries
some kind soul compiled against cygnus (forget who, sorry).  There is
a screenshot of GIMP running locally on NT using Exceeds at
It is a real screenshot, not an april fools joke like Manish's.

A native WIN32 port of GTK+ would be nice, but difficult in my opinion.
But Tcl/Tk managed to do it, so there is hope for the
brave souls out there that might attempt it.  I'm waiting for
the 1.0 gimp release before I do any more work on it.  Mixing pre-existing
bugs with porting bugs is too painful for me.

If people are really serious about doing it, they should just sit
down and code instead of spending all their time talking about it.


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