RE: [gtk-list] HELP: it works, but ...

	First of all, thanks for answering :)

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Tony Gale wrote:

> On 27-Mar-98 I#igo Serna Robledo wrote:
> > /*** emulate function ***/
> > int emulate()
> > {
> >    step_instruction();
> >    if( schedule_count-- == 0 )
> >       schedule();
> > 
> >    return TRUE;
> > }
> I'm not familiar with this program. What do the
> functions step_instruction() and schedule() do?

*	'step_instruction()' is just the code where the real emulation is 
made ( alter registers, copy to/from memory, etc ). It is the part that 
emulates the Saturn Machine Language ( Saturn is the microsprocessor 
of the HP48  ).

*	'schedule()' is the routine that does the hardware / device 
emulation ( timers synchronization, serial & IR port, screen, ports, etc. ).

> The solution is probably to create your own gtk_main function, so
> that you don't have to call gtk_main at all. You can use the
> following code to process the GTK drawing queue:
>         while(gtk_events_pending())
>           gtk_main_iteration();      

	Thanks a lot but it seems too complex for me ( I know GTK just since 2 
weeks ). Has anyone a simple example showing that? Perhaps GTK source?

	Thanks one more time
                               INIGO SERNA

* INIGO SERNA ROBLEDO         *    E-mail:                              *
* Avda. de los Chopos 41, 2.C *             *
* 48990. Getxo - BIZKAIA      *******************************************
*      BASQUE COUNTRY         * '... what made my dreams so hollow ...' *
*          SPAIN              *                               TOM WAITS *

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