Gtk_MenuFactory in gtk--?

Hello all.
    I was wondering if anyone have had any experience setting up
Gtk_MenuFactory under gtk--?  I know that at this momment,  you can not
connect menus from menufactory to C++ member functions.  But I can not
even create the menubar.  Can anyone provide code example?   I am
attaching my example prog.  Would anyone please tell me what am I doing

Also, have anyone had any luck compiling gtkGL-0.8?  When I ./configure,
it tells me that it can not find GL, gdk, and gtk libraries, but they
are in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH...

Thank you.
Marsel Osipov

#include <gtk--.h>
#include <strings.h>

static GtkMenuEntry menu_items[] =
  {"<Main>/File/New", NULL, NULL, NULL},
  {"<Main>/File/Open", NULL, NULL, NULL},
  {"<Main>/File/Save", NULL, NULL, NULL},
  {"<Main>/File/<separator>", NULL, NULL, NULL},
  {"<Main>/File/Quit", NULL, NULL, NULL}

static int nmenu_items = sizeof(menu_items)/sizeof(menu_items[0]);

class MyWin : public Gtk_Window {
  Gtk_MenuBar mbar;
  Gtk_Menu fmenu;
  Gtk_MenuFactory factory = NULL;
  Gtk_MenuFactory *subfactory[1];
  static GHashTable *entry_ht = NULL;
  static int initialize = TRUE;
  Gtk_VBox vbox;
  void get_main_menu(Gtk_MenuBar *);

MyWin::MyWin() : vbox(false, 1)
  factory.add_subfactory(subfactory[0], "<Main>");
  factory.add_entries(menu_items, nmenu_items);

void MyWin::get_main_menu(Gtk_MenuBar *mebar)

  // compiler produces a mistake here
  // class 'Gtk_MenuFactory' has no member named 'widget'
  // I think this is the reason why menubar is not shown...
  //  if(mebar)
  //*mebar = subfactory[0]->widget;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  Gtk_Main vm(&argc, &argv);
  MyWin win;
  win.set_usize(300, 200);;;  

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